76 My Peeps
46 Peeps I Like

Jessica's Random Book Ramblings

My thoughts, my opinions. If you don't like then go away....Shoo!




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Reblogged from Pervy Kitten

NON Book related but I sooooo need your help!

Ok so my husband wanted this car and it was only $500 so I said okay....Then we saw the motor was blown....BOOOOO.....Then this wonderful contest comes up where we can win $2,000 to fix up the car....


I need your help!!!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!


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Lawful Overdose - Justine Elvira

3.5 Stars


This book was decent but had the potential to be so much better....



It was a little hard for me to believe that Tessa was so against drugs but she had no issues being promiscuous and drinking like a sailor or going to parties where known people would be with drugs.... photo tumblr_m5xihubpwx1rnt4zt_zpsa02c288b.gif


With regard to Jaxon's job, Tessa was a moron. I mean duh you put two and two together and you don't wind up with 3, dumb ass.... Use your common sense to figure out what is going on.


idiot photo youre-an-idiot_zps3f7872fa.gif


Also with regard to Jaxon, he was hot but then he went a little stalker crazy when they broke up which is freaky since he's supposed to be a cop


JENNA photo tumblr_mnklghWWXX1sqgoaho1_250_zpsb8dc6368.gif


I will say the story kept my interest and I wanted to find out what happened so I continued reading. Plus a bonus is it is a short read. :)

Everything I've Never Had - Lynetta Halat

Things I liked about this book...


1. Cafe DuMonde and beignets

2. Book is set in New Orleans

3. New Orleans Saints

4. The heroine isn't a young dumb girl. She's 37 and is widowed

5. Adrian is 29....A little cougar action

6. Adrian is a rocker



Things I didn't like....

1. The back and forth I'm not worthy blah blah blah.

2. It made me sad when Adrian had to deploy! The military spouse in me wanted to boohoo for Celeste

3. I did not like that she stated she never loves Tripp....That made me sad.. This is a standalone with a HEA..

thumbs up photo 29649-Emma-Stone-two-thumbs-up-gif-qnv0_zps49b8331a.gif

Texas Pride - Kindle Alexander, Armi Krankkala

This was a good book for a M/M Romance. Cowboys, Horses, and Hot Guys Oh My! (No the Gangham Style guy is NOT who I'm referencing to as being hot....) Kitt's a cowboy..I'm not a big fan of cowboy hats and boots but whatevs..... Austin is a fancy movie star who moves back to his hometown to get out of the limelight. They both don't know the other is gay until........



Austin sees Kitt's underwear! Apparently its the kind gay guys wear so he's suspicious! He eventually confronts Kitt and outs himself as being gay and they start a relationship while staying in the closet so people in the small town don't find out.

They enjoy their relationship and lots of hot M/M action until that point of the story that

Overall while this wasn't my favorite M/M read and I found myself getting a wee bit bored in a few parts, it was enjoyable. It's a standalone with a HEA.

thumbs up photo ZogFaceSuggestionBox_gif-thumb-350x197-17224_zpsdc9877c5.gif

A Little Too Far  - Lisa Desrochers

3 Stars...


This was a decent read but I found myself quite bored at times and skimming to get through it. The Art History and extra info that I didn't need turned me off in this book. Some people may love it, I did not.

boring photo tumblr_m43smursnU1qzleedo1_r1_500_zps1994d2a7.gif

Lexie got on my nerves quite a few times. She's so unsure of herself and wishy washy....Get it together!

judging photo tumblr_m1nizkZfHX1r9f8tk_zps0fa78637.gif karma photo 3c418c2db15f36a6fcfa7d0ef9358b32_zps0b62e6f4.jpg


Love Alessandro! He is awesome! love photo tumblr_lyuatvXV891qf2v4o_zps1392915c.gif




bitch photo tumblr_mjtixzBprs1s4w69co1_500_zps5c79ee1f.gif


And Trent.... He doesn't tell her he loves her, he waits until she texts him and then shows up weeks later? WTF

BROTHER photo tumblr_inline_mi33458irI1qz4rgp_zps63e5ecc2.gif

Get it? Brother? HAHAHAHA I crack myself up... I thought the ending seemed very rushed as well...


At Peace - Kristen Ashley

4.5 Momalicious Stars



KA Books are great! This was a wonderful one....My only issues are the total number of characters that are in each book. I understand why the mastermind Ms. Ashley introduces all these characters since I believe almost all her characters wind up getting a book about themselves, but I think it takes away from a little bit of the story and adds a ton onto the book. We have hot, alpha male, all around bad-ass Joe (aka Cal) who I would love to do me on the hood of a car... hot guy joe photo 6609ba6100419253cb8b18ce2eb8ba45_zps10522b08.jpg

and then we have Violet, a widowed mom of two teenage girls(Kate and Keira) looking to escape from her husband's murderer.

Violet meets Joe and thinks he's hot and after some male dominance and a few booty calls she thinks they are going somewhere but Joe doesn't want a relationship so Violet turns on the bitch factor whenever Joe is around....


bitch photo tumblr_mjx9psbhrv1s7n30go1_500_zps947290fd.gif

Violet wants Joe but since he isn't interested she dates Mike who reminds her of her dead husband, Tim. I like Mike don't get me wrong but I of course want Violet with Joe and she starts heading to slutsville while stringing them both along....

omg photo 1229k_zps12bd8ce4.gif

Eventually shit comes together and Violet and Joe work out their issues. And their sex scenes are HOT! HOT! HOT! Imagine a nice sexual pic below instead of kissing pic that was placed below to prevent being flagged :) kiss photo tumblr_lmzl92CAcn1qh7487o1_r1_500_zpsa380df73.gif

I absolutely LOOOOOOVE Joe's relationship with Kate and Keira. He is a great father figure for them. love photo tumblr_mjzancvc0e1s7w2bmo1_500_zps7f10e4e3.gif

So Violet and the girls give Joe back the pieces of his heart that were missing and they wind up having their HEA after a little bit of drama involving Tims murderer.

love photo tumblr_mks9p0IsjS1s9j4yzo1_500_zps45c0f60c.gif Sidenote: Joe calling Vi "Buddy" was very annoying and at no point ever attractive. I definitely could have done without that. THE END :)

The Dark Light of Day - T.M. Frazier

4.5 WTF just happened stars... "How could broken plus broken ever equal whole?" photo tumblr_mj0eqeF2KY1r9hj4to1_500_zpsaf5a2b7f.jpg Abby is broken and has had a shitty life and Jake is broken with his own scars and somehow through fate they come together. nothing photo tumblr_mr7t3tzQD31rlkri9o1_500_zps756ca068.gif Sick, twisted Abby was in love with the sick, twisted, beautiful Jake. Abby and Jake fall for each other hard. I mean like BAM! Ok so I was reading and thinking here we go with some insta-love BS about how he heals her blah, blah, blah from being the broken girl in love with the badass killer.....I was a little bored and thought the story was dragging. Then all of sudden there was an unexpected turn of events and I could not stop reading! I was biting my nails. WTF just happened! Abby is becoming more comfortable around Jake then all of a sudden the trust they share is broken. NOT OKAY photo not-ok_zpsddd31a29.gif The sequence of events that followed especially with Jake made me so sad! noooo photo 3161016590_1_2_AWfBs9d3_zps700537db.gif Owen and the whole Fletcher clan: kill photo tumblr_m9ms2vCdYL1r5govf_zps7050f540.gif And Then! shocked photo Rachel_shocked_by_Brittanys_comment_zps42c6e293.gif Jake comes back into town and Abby is like need you photo tumblr_mmcgf3HgsI1so4yflo1_500_zps466df373.gif And when Jake sees Georgia feels photo Feels_gif_zpsc147483e.gif And then when the rest of the shit went down I was like OMG photo vHycF_zps237dc63b.gif "Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light" And finally when I got to the end... feelings photo tumblr_m3wup44b9E1qkl4is_zpsa5e5509d.gif WARNING: This is not a light fluffy read and has rape, abuse, drug use, and death in it.

[REBLOG] FFFFFF - (*get it? No? Nvm. Pun intended) How to change font colour (text, links, comment section!)

Prepare yourselves my elves! For I’m going to tell you how to change colour of text on your site. Everywhere. Including links and comment section.


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Reblogged from BookLikes
At Peace (The 'Burg, #2) - Kristen Ashley 4.5 Momalicious StarsKA Books are great! This was a wonderful one....My only issues are the total number of characters that are in each book. I understand why the mastermind Ms. Ashley introduces all these characters since I believe almost all her characters wind up getting a book about themselves, but I think it takes away from a little bit of the story and adds a ton onto the book.We have hot, alpha male, all around bad-ass Joe (aka Cal) who I would love to do me on the hood of a car...and then we have Violet, a widowed mom of two teenage girls(Kate and Keira) looking to escape from her husband's murderer.Violet meets Joe and thinks he's hot and after some male dominance and a few booty calls she thinks they are going somewhere but Joe doesn't want a relationship so Violet turns on the bitch factor whenever Joe is around....Violet wants Joe but since he isn't interested she dates Mike who reminds her of her dead husband, Tim. I like Mike don't get me wrong but I of course want Violet with Joe and she starts heading to slutsville while stringing them both along....Eventually shit comes together and Violet and Joe work out their issues. And their sex scenes are HOT! HOT! HOT! Imagine a nice sexual pic below instead of kissing pic that was placed below to prevent being flagged :) I absolutely LOOOOOOVE Joe's relationship with Kate and Keira. He is a great father figure for them.So Violet and the girls give Joe back the pieces of his heart that were missing and they wind up having their HEA after a little bit of drama involving Tims murderer.Sidenote: Joe calling Vi "Buddy" was very annoying and at no point ever attractive. I definitely could have done without that. THE END :)
A Little Too Far - Lisa Desrochers 3 Stars...This was a decent read but I found myself quite bored at times and skimming to get through it. The Art History and extra info that I didn't need turned me off in this book. Some people may love it, I did not.Lexie got on my nerves quite a few times. She's so unsure of herself and wishy washy....Get it together!Love Alessandro! He is awesome!SamAnd Trent.... He doesn't tell her he loves her, he waits until she texts him and then shows up weeks later? WTF Get it? Brother? HAHAHAHA I crack myself up...I thought the ending seemed very rushed as well...
Half-Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout It's getting a TV show..guess I need to read it..
Texas Pride - Kindle Alexander This was a good book for a M/M Romance. Cowboys, Horses, and Hot Guys Oh My! (No the Gangham Style guy is NOT who I'm referencing to as being hot....)Kitt's a cowboy..I'm not a big fan of cowboy hats and boots but whatevs..... Austin is a fancy movie star who moves back to his hometown to get out of the limelight. They both don't know the other is gay until........KittAustinAustin sees Kitt's underwear! Apparently its the kind gay guys wear so he's suspicious! He eventually confronts Kitt and outs himself as being gay and they start a relationship while staying in the closet so people in the small town don't find out.They enjoy their relationship and lots of hot M/M action until that point of the story thatOverall while this wasn't my favorite M/M read and I found myself getting a wee bit bored in a few parts, it was enjoyable. It's a standalone with a HEA.I will say that I did get grossed out when he sucked his dick after it being in his ass, I don't care how much you wipe it off, it needed to be rinsed Also with regard to Kitt's Dad just because you are in the closet doesn't give you a right to be an ass to your son and treat him like dirt and beat him
Everything I've Never Had - Lynetta Halat Things I liked about this book...1. Cafe DuMonde and beignets2. Book is set in New Orleans3. New Orleans Saints4. The heroine isn't a young dumb girl. She's 37 and is widowed5. Adrian is 29....A little cougar action6. Adrian is a rockerThings I didn't like....1. The back and forth I'm not worthy blah blah blah.2. It made me sad when Adrian had to deploy! The military spouse in me wanted to boohoo for Celeste3. I did not like that she stated she never loves Tripp....That made me sad..This is a standalone with a HEA..